Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Orphan Boy by Tololwa M. Mollel & Paul Morin

I presented the students with this cover and they all made a prediction about the text.

This is a beautiful retelling of an East African Massai legend of the night sky and the origin of the planet Venus. It is about an old man who meets a young orphan boy who radically changes his life. The boy, Kileken magically gets the usual chores done in a small time frame. The old man becomes curious about how he achieves this and his curiosity grows with him desperate to learn the secret behind the boy's success. We focused closely on the theme of trust and discussed trust and confidentiality that we have with close friends and what happens when these are impaired.

On the second reading students took notes using keywords. These will assist them when they do a retelling of the story on Monday the 14th. Students will also be expected to show use of figurative language including, personification, simile and alliteration. Their retellings will be assessed on the structure of their stories and their ability to incorporate figurative language into their creations. and their pieces will be assessed on both.