Monday, May 4, 2015

Historical Showbags: a major focus for this term

This term students will be creating their own historical showbag based on a well known Australian figure who lived some time between early invasion/settlement and the 1850's. It would be great if students could all research a different identity.We will endeavour to sort that out over the next few days. Click on the below link to see what some of my students did a few years back. This year we are limiting the time frame from the late 1700's up until the era of the gold rush; so ignore those personalities after this time.

On Tuesday 5th May we brainstormed the personalities on whom there is a lot of information and who will be easier to create an amazing showbag about. The showbags will be shared with two other classes, one being the other grade 5-6 and one being our buddies. So students have to think about the range in their audience. I have been collecting strong paper bags for over a year now so there should be enough to go around. 

Here is the main information about the expectations for the unit this term. Students will need to refer to this closely and plan their time well in order to get the showbag done in the  five week time frame ready for sharing. Here are  some key people during the time period…we can add to these lists but need to have a balance:
Pemulwuy (JH) (LJ)
Traganinni(KL) (KP)
David Unaipon (JdP) (KS)
Benelong (SJ)
Francis Greenway (AG)
Mary Wade (SL)
John Kelly (JS)
Mary Reibey (FC)
Governor Arthur Philip (CS)
Gov. Lachlan Macquarie (TL)
Peter Lalor (AL)
Edith Cowan (JMS)
AB 'Banjo' Paterson (SG)
Catherine Helen Spence (RC)
Mary McKillop (GL)
Ned Kelly (JH-G)
Ben Hall (AE)
Joe Byrne (TW)
John Batman (JB)
John Macarthur (CG)
Matthew Flinders  (NB)
Elizabeth Macarthur   (CL)
Charles Sturt (BG)

Task: Historical Showbag


  1. A Placemat: Keys to success 
  2. Timeline
  3. Diary Entry
  4. Point of View- poster/reflection/news srticle
  5. An extensive bibliography citing primary and seconday sources      

Choose  2-3 options

Poem  – rhyming couplet / ballad
Crossword or Word search
PowerPoint / PhotoStory
Eggshell face
I see I think I wonder strategy for a painting/ song / or artefact
 Plasticine figurine no taller than 10 cm and dressed in period clothes. This needs thorough research!
Portrait (painted)
A comic strip
Now and Then
Jigsaw - hand drawn picture with information on the topside lid suitable for their buddy to read
(I am happy to negotiate any other ideas students have for this second options section.)


 Inquiry skills 

 Differentiating between primary and secondary documents
 Note taking
 Asking questions
 Summarizing and synthesizing information
 Point of view






Here is a few snap shots of a time line and the finished one. A job well done. Excellent use of the many hours given in class.