I will endeavour to help each student find at least one good source of information on their chosen person from the colonial days. Students must be able to find some reliable sources of their own from both books and websites, and synthesise the information. This skill will be taught in class. Students can compile notes in their History/Science book, maybe from the stapled centre onwards to keep the front of the exercise book free for science work we are still doing. Please remember to keep a list of the books and websites you have used which you will glue onto the back of your showbag. You must show use of multiple sources. If you used this page for example and ideas from it you would acknowledge the book. I have written an example below the information panel.
Peter Lalor information for AL |
Author (last name first). Title of the book. City: Publisher, Date of publication.
BooksFrench, Jackie, Fair Dinkum Histories: Gold, Graves and Glory, Lindfield, Scholastic Press, 2007.
Ned Kelly: attention JH_G There are also seven great pages of information on Ned Kelly the bush ranger in this book, pages 82-87 It is available for borrowing in the classroom from our library .
A.B.Patterson: attention SG
These two books are available in the classroom and have great illustrations for jigsaws and decorating your showbag:
For SG |
For SG |
For CS - this will help with your placemat and timeline |
For CS |
Parson, Christine, Aspects of Australian History, Marrickville, Science Press, 1989.
Mary Reibey : Attention FC
For FC, This will help with placemat and timeline |
For FC |
Parson, Christine, Aspects of Australian History, Marrickville, Science Press, 1989.